Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow Site Symmetry Help

Site Symmetry

Site Symmetry Method
This program implements the so-called site-symmetry approach. The method establishes symmetry relations between the localized states (local atomic displacements) and crystal extended states (phonons, electrons, etc.) over the entire Brillouin zone.

Input data :
  1. Space group number as given in ITA.
  2. k-vector data :
    • Reciprocal lattice basis type, which may be primitive (as in Cracknell-Davies-Miller-Love tables), or dual to the conventional (ITA)
    • k-vector coordinates relative to chosen basis as any three decimal numbers or fractions.
    • Label of the k-vector (up to three letters).

[ Documentation of the program ]

Reference. For more information about this program see the following article:
  • Elcoro et al. "Double crystallographic groups and their representations on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server" Submitted. arXiv:1706.09272
  • If you are using this program in the preparation of an article, please cite the above reference.
    Space Group Number: Please, enter the sequential number of group as given in International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A or choose it:

    Reciprocal basis

    k-vector [ coordinates ]
    kx ky kz


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