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The k-vector types and Brillouin zones of the space groups

Brillouin-zone databases of space groups
The Brillouin-zone database offers k-vector tables and figures which form the background of a classification of the irreducible representations of all 230 space groups.

The space groups are specified by their sequential number as given in the International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A. You can give this number, if you know it, or you can choose it from the table with the space group numbers and symbols if you click on choose it.

To get the k-vector types described in three different basis (primitive, conventional and ITA) click on the bottom Comparative listing of k-vector types.

To get the k-vector types using a minimal reciprocal wyckoff position click on the bottom Optimized listing of k-vector types using ITA description.

If you are using this progam in the preparation of a paper, please cite it in the following form:

M. I. Aroyo, D. Orobengoa, G. de la Flor, E.S. Tasci, J. M. Perez-Mato and H. Wondratschek.
"Brillouin-zone databases on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server".
Acta Cryst. A70 126-137 (2014).
Please, enter the sequential number of the space group as given in International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A, or choose it:


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