New Article in Nature
03/2019: Vergniory et al.
"A complete catalogue of high-quality topological materials" Nature (2019). 566, 480-485.
Updated versions of TENSOR and MTENSOR
03/2019: The programs give the general expression of tensor properties for a given point group and magnetic point group, respectively..
New option in COMPSTRU
08/2018: The program provides the visual comparison of structures.
New Article in Acta Cryst. A
05/2019: Gallego et al.
"Automatic calculation of symmetry-adapted tensors in magnetic and non-magnetic materials: a new tool of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server."
Acta Cryst. (2019) A75, 438-447.
New Article in Nature
03/2019: Vergniory et al.
"A complete catalogue of high-quality topological materials" Nature (2019). 566, 480-485.
Updated versions of TENSOR and MTENSOR
03/2019: The programs give the general expression of tensor properties for a given point group and magnetic point group, respectively..
New option in COMPSTRU
08/2018: The program provides the visual comparison of structures.
New program: Check Topological Mat
08/2018: Given the electronic bands calculated from its structural parameters, the program checks if a given material is topological or not
New Article
11/2017: Luis Elcoro, Barry Bradlyn, Zhijun Wang, Maia G. Vergniory, Jennifer Cano, Claudia Felser, B. Andrei Bernevig, G. de la Flor and Mois I. Aroyo.
"Double crystallographic groups and their representations on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server" J. Appl. Cryst. (2017). 50, 1457-1477. doi:10.1107/S1600576717011712
New Article
07/2017: Barry Bradlyn, Luis Elcoro, Jennifer Cano, Maia G. Vergniory, Zhijun Wang, Claudia Felser, Mois I. Aroyo and B. Andrei Bernevig.
"Topological quantum chemistry" Nature (2017). 547, 298-305. doi:10.1038/nature23268
New program: BANDREP
04/2017: Band representations and Elementary Band representations of Double Space Groups.
New program: DSITESYM
04/2017: Site-symmetry induced representations of Double Space Groups
New program: DCOMPREL
04/2017: Compatibility relations between the irreducible representations of Double Space Groups
New version: mCIF2PCR
03/2017: Transformation from mCIF to PCR format. The PCR file can be used as input for FullProf.
New version: SUBGROUPS
07/2016: New version of the program SUBGROUPS to calculate the subgroups of a group under given conditions.
New Article
04/2016: G. de la Flor, D. Orobengoa, E. Tasci, J. M. Perez-Mato and M. I. Aroyo."Comparison of structures applying the tools available at the Bilbao Crystallographic Server".J. Appl. Cryst. (2016). 49, 653-664.
New program: SECTIONS
03/2016: New program to identify the layer symmetry of periodic sections.
New version: COMPSTRU
07/2015: New versión of the program COMPSTRU for the comparison of structures
07/2015: Symmetry-adapted form of magnetic crystal tensors
New article
05/2015: J.M. Perez-Mato, S.V. Gallego, E.S. Tasci, L. Elcoro, G. de la Flor, and M.I. Aroyo. Symmetry-Based Computational Tools for Magnetic Crystallography. Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. (2015), 45:13.1-13.32
Point Groups: Retrieval Tools
10/2014: New shell in related to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional crystallographic point groups. In that new shell one can find programs to access to the generators/general positions and the Wyckoff positions informations.
New tutorials: MAXMAGN
09/2014: New tutorials (extended and abbreviated) about how to use MAXMAGN and other tools of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server for the analysis of magnetic structures.
2-2006: The subgroups suite for space groups now works with tetragonal and hexagonal maximal isomorphic subgroups of indices 5 and 7. Now index factorizations like 14, 20 or 21 are available from the subgroups programs.
2-2006: Updated version of NORMALIZER & WYCKSETS programs. Added Euclidean/Affine normalizers symbols and table of Wyckoff Sets in main form.
1-2006: Added t-index and k-index information and group-subgroup relation type. Link to COSETS program.
1-2006: New program for the coset decomposition of a group-subgroup pair
11-2005: New program for calculating common subgroups for several space groups
11-2005: New interfaces for obtaining common subgroups of two space groups
10-2005: New options for filtering outbut by point group, crystal system or centering. Also available on CELLSUPER
10-2005: New program for obtaining lists of supergroups for a given k-index