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SYMMODES - Symmetry Modes

Symmetry Modes

The software package SYMMODES (Symmetry Modes) provides the necessary tools for a group-theoretical analysis of a structural phase transition. For a given group - subgroup pair G > H the program constructs the lattice of maximal subgroups relating G and H and calculates the corresponding primary and secondary modes.

SYMMODES has been developed in colaboration with H.Stokes and D.Hatch (Brigham Young University, Utah, USA).

Input Data: In order to obtain the group - subgroup lattice G > H, input or select the numbers of the group G, the subgroup H and the index of H in G.

A tutorial on the application of several tools of this server including SYMMODES in the study of group-subgroup phase transitions can be found here.

How to obtain a valid index ?

[ More about the program ]

If you are using this program in the preparation of a paper, please cite it in the following form:

C. Capillas et. al., J. Appl. Cryst. (2003), 36, 953-954.

If you are interested in other publications related to Bilbao Crystallographic Server, click here.
Please, enter the sequential numbers of group and subgroup as given in International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A:
Enter supergroup number (G) or choose it:
Enter subgroup number (H) or choose it:
Enter the index [G:H]

Other possibility is to define the transformation that relates the group and the subgroup bases.

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